Friday, 27 January 2012

A year ago

Today flicking through my notebooks I stumbled across this cartoon I made last winter on a particularly burnt-out procrastination-ridden day. I still can't believe I somehow survived all that revision, all that cramming, isolation and anxiety... I almost miss it!:)
A year on: I have a job! I am no longer poor. But on the downside I work never-ending shifts that leave me feeling used and useless. People spit at me. I have been exposed to a kaleidoscope of sights and smells that elicit in me a previously unknown level of mute disgust. I can cope with death, I try to keep cool and do the best I can when things go wrong. I stay late most days just to make sure my patients will be safe when I'm not there, that important stuff will get done.
And if I could change one thing only at work, it would be the malignant atmosphere. Why is everyone so tense and argumentative?!? Chill the fuck out world! You can still be efficient while being NICER to each other, people!

Wouldn't that be amazing?
Maybe even bearable.

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