Friday, 25 November 2011

App frenzy!

Of course I had to go and get an iPhone once I could (just about to) afford it. Three months later the sum total number of my acquired apps is: 5.
This American Life, Motivational Quote of the Day, McSweeney's (though no password for it), Tv channel app and a Radio app. Essential. Nothing too fancy. Not even the app that lets you take photos that look like Polaroids (too... popular).
But I am aware that there are some crazy cool apps out there. Like the one being featured at the V&A exhibition Power of Making which displays wonderful works of art-slash-craft-slash-technology and includes such splendid examples of human ability to MAKE as the life-size crochet bear, a plastic 3-D printer, a fine metal flute to dry stone walling, hexapod robots and spray-on fabric. The app in question is called penki and it allows you to "paint with light creating 3D messages and images with an iPhone that are revealed with long exposure photographs". Awesome!
One curious young gentleman dedicated a few dozen minutes behind closed doors with lights off and my old instruction-less digital camera and... TAA DAA!!!
Cool, huh?:D

Power of Making exhibition runs at the Victoria and Albert museum London until January the 2nd 2012.

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