Sunday 16 May 2010

A trip to the museum

Today I popped over to Nottingham with friends to check out the modern art gallery: Nottingham Contemporary. We circled around a bit, navigating our way via iPhone Google-maps before realising that the gallery WAS in fact the green shed to our right. The site brought to mind undulating tin walls and roofs of the Warsaw indoor market pavilions circa 1990. As if that wasn't bad enough, the building inside was fitted with the most ridiculous of interior inventions: the semi-automated doors. I mean, wtf?!XD They are SO awkward! Why not just go for fully automated!? Why are they so slow?! Why not just leave them to their traditional inertia since you have to use the same amount of force to get them going anyway?! Arrrgh!

Upon closer inspection, the concrete facade
offers a charming lace finish. Sweet!:)

The exhibition itself was globalisation-themed, and though I understand that objectively speaking, we are all thoroughly fucked, and we're killing the planet, and The West is fuelling its obesity epidemic with child slave labour and crystallised despair, well, we could search for more creative ways to express these fatalistic visions. A lot of the material felt very dry and uninspired, save a few sad breathtaking photos and few solid conceptual pieces. "Nobody wants to see" by Mladen Stilinović illustrates the truth about the abysmal wealth gap. The 3 richest men on Earth own as much as the 600 million of its poorest inhabitants. This disparity stretches before us in form of neat piles of prints, each sheet filled with rows upon rows of tiny 3s. And then one blank page up on the wall with a single little numeral in its centre. I also liked Cildo Meireles’ guerilla-art: 1970s Coke bottles and bank notes, doctored with anti-US slogans and put back into circulation. See, interventions into global networks can be playfully ironic!
Uneven Geographies: Art and Globalisation, runs until July 4th

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