Saturday 8 May 2010

La Mona

This is incredible! La Mona (The Doll) stands five stories tall, proud and butt-naked in the suburb of Colonia Aeropuerto in Tijuana, Mexico. She has been the home of Armando Muñoz Garcia since 1989!!! The kitchen is in her belly, the library in her head, and yes, he sleeps in her breasts!:) When asked why he built a house with pubic hair and dimples, he reportedly growled back, "Why not?"

She looks so good! Bosom perked, fist in the air - the perfect urban goddess.

Muñoz is an urban imaginer somewhere on a delirious spectrum between Marcel Duchamp and Las Vegas casino enterpreneur Steve Wynn. "Give me enough rebar and an oxyacetylene torch," he boasts, "and I'll line the border with giant nude Amazons."
Learning from Tihuana by Mike Davies
Tihuana Bible blog

"la mona" in tihuana - ok, bye blog

inside la mona - ¡TURISTA LIBRE! blog
Also, if anyone has this book (Magical Urbanism by Mike Davis) I will gladly take it off your hands:)

1 comment:

  1. so unexpected and so insanely magnificent! :D love this girl! and the idea of a border lined with giant nude amazons too!! :D
