I have fallen in love with the idea of crocheted applications as jewellery. Such condensed richness of pattern! What precision of execution! So intricate, so delicate, so fragile. Feminine, but with a kinky edge. A cross between my great-grandma's crocheted collar mom would put on my Sunday dresses and... an arabesque tattoo.
Each one is so unique... I want them all!

...and a sample of earrings:

All items found and available on Etsy
Click on the image to view source:)
Oh, I really need to learn how to crochet now! *^^*
OMG, so many amazing pieces. Thank you for choosing my collar necklace! I love lace in any form, these will definitely inspire my future creations.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea all these beautiful pieces existed! Such ingenuity!
ReplyDeleteWell done, is all I can say!:D
absolutely stunning!
ReplyDeletethose are so lovely!! I like the fish very much.
ReplyDeletesuch wonderful artisans! great collection.